Catherine Jane "C.J." Thorpe is the female lead character in the TV series Star Wars: The Jedi Path. She is played by actress Fairuza Balk. The female lead, she is depicted as a "tough as nails" woman who is strong in her beliefs. The ex-girlfriend of Deak Starkiller, their relationship is explored greatly on the series, but they never become a couple again.
Thorpe is the only non-human in the cast, being a member of the Akatti race from deep space. Though the Akatti are of a human-like race with no physical dissimilarities, allowing her to pass as an Earthling. Already knowledgeable in the Force, her people were forced off-world by natural disasters and less than ten thousand survived. Thorpe was initially attracted to Starkiller due to his Force sensitivity, but decided not to speak to him about it. When Starkiller learns of the Jedi through the archive she begins to train him.